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Bogandé: La population de Ningangou répare un radier sous la supervision du « capitaine Thor » et ses hommes

The population of Bogandé repaired the Ningangou foundation on September 17 and 18, 2024, under the supervision of a large security force led by the men of Captain “Thor”, the Nordic god of fire and thunder.

The population of the commune of Bogandé, in the province of Gnagna, Eastern region, carried out, on September 17 and 18, 2024, works of common interest on the foundation of the village of Nindangou, a locality located about twelve kilometers from the city of Bogandé and about twenty kilometers from Manni, noted the AIB.

Equipped with shovels, crowbars, wheelbarrows and trowels, the population of Bogandé was transported to the village of Nindangou by dump trucks, personal vehicles and motorcycles, from 8 a.m.

In two days of work, the population was able to clear a new passage around the old foundation, located in the heart of the village of Nindangou.

The work consisted of laying a carpet of rubble filled with concrete over a length of nearly 40 meters. The work was carried out with the technical su
pport of the Provincial Directorate of Infrastructure of Gnagna.

Captain “Thor”, the Norse god of fire and thunder, commander of the 19th Rapid Intervention Battalion, and his men secured the work.

From East to West, and from North to South, the warriors “Oussolo”, “The Savior”, “Ramses”, “Pharaoh”, “The Lion”, to name but a few, have crisscrossed the village in order to allow the population to work in complete peace.

As a reminder, the Nindangou foundation had been seriously damaged by rainwater for almost two years. Several accidents had occurred on this foundation even before the road was closed due to insecurity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency