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Bogandé: High Commissioner Jean Baptiste Béogo met with the Gnagna bodies


Ouagadougou: The high commissioner of the province of Gnagna, Jean Baptiste Béogo initiated a consultation meeting on July 26, 2024 with the constituted bodies of his administrative territory.

The constituted bodies of Gnagna responded this Friday, July 26, 2024 to the invitation of High Commissioner Jean Baptiste Béogo. It was the meeting room of the High Commissioner of Bogandé which served as the setting for this consultation meeting initiated by the first provincial authority.

A round table discussion allowed each member of the bodies, particularly the technical services and associative structures, to draw up a succinct assessment of the activities. Despite the deleterious security situation, all services ensured the continuity of public service with absolute resilience.

The school exams went well and the success rates are up compared to the last session for both the CEP, the BEPC and the Baccalaureate. During the 2023-2024 school year, two closed secondary schools reopened their doors in Bilanga and M

In terms of health, strategies have been deployed to address the pressing needs for health care in view of the massive movements of populations in host localities. Indeed, the closed Health and Social Promotion Centers (CSPS) were reopened in city centers as advanced health posts in order to meet the numerous health care needs.

The main difficulty remains the security situation marked by terrorist attacks with significant damage and loss of human life. This may include aspects such as restrictions on freedom of movement and economic impacts.

The provincial directorate of humanitarian action pleaded for support for the host populations who are hard hit by the fact that they no longer produce in the fields while most are without a source of income.

According to the Provincial Directorate of Infrastructure and Accessibility of Gnagna, several road infrastructures are suffering due to lack of maintenance. Companies committed to the task are struggling to carry out their tasks due to the security context
. The Bogandé – Manni section via Thion threatens to be cut off if nothing is done in the coming days.

The bodies also expressed the wish to see the reopening of financial institutions and the return of technical finance services to the province in order to facilitate transactions. The transaction capacities of mobile money, the only means of monetary transfer, are low. You have to spend several days in front of the agencies before being satisfied.

To all the actors and members of the established bodies of the province of Gnagna, High Commissioner Jean Baptiste Béogo sent his encouragement for the efforts made but also for their resilience. To the Defense and Security Forces as well as to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland, he reiterated his encouragement while thanking them for the results achieved in the fight against insecurity. Then He urged them to continue the fight for the total liberation of the province of Gnagna from terrorism.

The participants praised the initiative and requested f
rom the authority that such meetings be increased for the pooling of forces.

Source : Burkina Information Agency