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Barsalgo attacks: Prime Minister calls on the population to become aware

The head of the Burkinabe Government, Dr. Apollinaire Kyelèm of Tambèla, urged the populations on Wednesday, at the end of the raising of the colors, to become aware so as not to be surprised by history, after the terrorist attack in Barsalogho perpetrated on August 24 in the Center-North region.

Prime Minister Dr. Apollinaire Kyelèm of Tambèla and his colleagues, proceeded this Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at the prime minister’s office, to the traditional raising of the national colors.

On the occasion, referring to the terrorist attack in Barsalogho which left several dead and injured, Dr. Kyelem invited the Burkinabe people to “discern so as not to let themselves be drawn into adventures without outcome by people without faith or law”.

According to the head of government, the latter, who wear “borrowed clothes” to better deceive their victims, use the populations to achieve their “disastrous” designs.

For Apollinaire Kyelèm de Tambèla, the story of the Chilean president, Salvador Allende, assassinat
ed on September 11, 1973, is a perfect illustration of this deception by the manipulators.

According to him, following the nationalization of banks and mines followed by a policy of social reform by the Chilean president, the workers’ unions were bribed by the Americans to destroy Chilean society.

In Chile, the Prime Minister continued, the people were the actors of their own misfortune because the regime of General Augusto Pinochet, who took power following the assassination of Allende, was merciless towards them, particularly towards “the little people in struggle.”

“The lesson we can learn from these events is this: those who do not remember the past will be condemned to relive it,” concluded Dr Kyelem.

Source: Burkina Information Agency