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Banwa: Teachers take ownership of training program for quality education

Primary school teachers met yesterday Tuesday in Solenzo for the annual educational conference for the year 2024-2025, to take ownership of the contents of the training program for quality education.

A few days before the start of the 2024-2025 school year, primary school teachers from the Banwa province met in Solenzo to strengthen their capacity on the content of elementary school curricula and their practical implementation in the classroom.

For 4 days, educators will reflect on the theme “Appropriation of the contents of the Curricula in Elementary Course and their practical implementation in the classes”

The representative of the parents of students Yaya Dao, was delighted with the holding of this activity which unlike in previous years takes place earlier.

Hoping that the knowledge acquired will be useful to the children, he wished the workshop a success.

For his part, the representative of the president of the special delegation of the commune of Solenzo, Sabane Guira, invited teachers to partici
pate diligently to better transmit knowledge in the classes.

The resumption of educational activities in some municipalities of the Banwa province has allowed the opening of several schools in 2023, which made it possible to hold this conference in Solenzo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency