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Balé/New Year’s Eve 2023: The High Commissioner watches over the Fighting Forces

Ouagadougou: The High Commissioner of Balé Province, Ibrahim Boly, spent the last hours of the night of December 31, 2023 with Defense and Security Forces and health workers on guard from Boromo Medical Center.

High Commissioner Ibrahim Boly spent the night of December 31, 2023 with the Defense and Security Forces and officers of the Boromo Health District.

Mr. Boly was accompanied by the prefect president of the special delegation Esaï Bamogo and the prosecutor of Faso Bèssoakèyèrè Somda and all officials of the military and paramilitary forces of the province.

The authorities toured the national police services, the fire brigade, the gendarmerie company, the military detachment and the Boromo health district and made stops to greet and encourage the mobile units and posted agents in the crossroads of the town of Boromo.

FDS officials provided the High Commissioner with an update on security measures to secure the end and beginning of the year celebrations.

They also appreciated the visit from the admin
istrative authorities which galvanized and honored them.

To the soldiers and health workers, High Commissioner Boly expressed all the pride of the province and regional authorities for their commitment and dedication.

‘It is thanks to your courage and determination that the province of Balé has renewed its entire territory and that the closed schools have reopened, the social services are functioning, the farmers have produced in complete serenity, we can go from one end to end of our province,’ said the authority.

Also, he extended his New Year’s greetings to the Fighting Forces and their families.’

‘I hope for the year 2024, a year of consecration of all the efforts that you have made for eight years, there is no doubt that things are changing. We are in the process of reversing the situation and the results are good. These results are those of the Combatant Forces and of all the Burkinabé who agree to join hands,’ he noted.

However, the provincial authority asked the FDS to redouble their efforts for
a definitive victory in 2024.

‘We will succeed in the fight, regain territorial integrity, our sovereignty which is our greatest pride’, Mr. Boly believes.

This will be achieved through unity, solidarity and the contribution of all Burkinabé people. It is in this sense that Mr. Boly asked the various leaders of the security and defense bodies to collaborate and keep the same spirit of team, brotherhood and mutual consideration.

Also the High Commissioner said he had a pious thought for the men on mission in the cold, the sun, the wounded and the soldiers who fell at the front for the party and their families.

The authorities shared a meal in the joy of the New Year before parting ways.

Source: Burkina Information Agency