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Baccalaureate 2024: The high commissioner of the province gives the starting point in Sourou


A total of 724 candidates including 380 boys and 344 girls are taking part in the Baccalaureate examination for the 2024 session, in the Sourou province, Boucle du Mouhoun region .

The start of the 2024 Baccalaureate session was given this Tuesday, June 18 at 7:30 am in Tougan, in the province of Sourou, by the first person in charge of the province, the high commissioner, Désiré Badolo.

The first official of the province was accompanied by the prefect of the department of Tougan, Ouiougou Tiendrébeogo and president of the special delegation of Tougan, the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education of the province, Pascal Padra Bancé and the Defense Forces and security.

For this baccalaureate session, out of a total of 737 candidates registered for series D and A combined, 724 are present or 13 absent. Among those present, there were 380 boys and 344 girls divided into 3 juries.

It was jury 35 based at the second site of the Tougan provincial high school which welcomed the provincial auth
orities for the official launch of the Baccalaureate in the province of Sourou.

High Commissioner Desiré Badolo, opening the first envelope containing the philosophy test, urged students to relieve stress and consider the exam like the homework they are used to writing in class.

Badolo was also delighted to have been able to launch the Baccalaureate in a context like that of Tougan.

‘ We salute the resilience of all stakeholders, everything which has enabled, like the other provinces of Burkina, the Baccalaureate exam to be held despite our particular context. We hope that there will be no problems in the rest of the process and that at the end, we will be able to have results that match the sacrifices made by the different actors ‘ he said.

After the official launch to jury 35 housed at the second site of the Tougan provincial high school, the delegation visited jury 36 on the same site, before going to the first site of the high school where jury 34 is based to encourage the actors of this jury.

e: Burkina Information Agency