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Anti-corruption law soon to be translated into 5 languages ??including Mooré, Dioula and Fulfulde

The law on the prevention and repression of corruption will soon be available in the national languages ??Mooré, Dioula, Fulfuldé, Gourmantché and Bissa, according to the Higher Authority for State Control and the Fight against Corruption.

ASCE-LC, in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages ??(MENAPLN), are currently working on the translation of the anti-corruption law in Burkina Faso into five main languages ??spoken in Burkina.

The first phase of the work is dedicated to the translation and actual drafting of the anti-corruption law. Subsequently, the development of a mechanism for popularizing these translated documents will be the future challenge according to the ASCE-LC communication service.

Source: Burkina Information Agency