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Agrosilvopastoral: management of cooperative societies on the menu of a training workshop for women and young people from the Center-South and Center-East


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in collaboration with Sol Vert and ASUDEC started, Tuesday, a four-day training workshop on the management of cooperative societies of the agrosilvopastoral for the benefit of around forty women and young people from the Center-South and Center-East regions and members of rural development associations.

For four days, from July 23 to 26, 2024, participants will deepen their knowledge, among other things, on the generalities about the cooperative, the problems encountered in the management of a cooperative, the management tools of a production cooperative and the connection of a production cooperative to the market, indicated Christophe Banaon, one of the moderators of the session on behalf of Sol Vert.

For the IUCN program manager in Burkina Faso, Jacques Somda, all of the themes that will be addressed should enable managers of cooperative societies benefiting from the training ‘to be more efficient in the management of their structures and opportuni
ties. offered.’

He underlined that after three years of collaboration with these different companies as part of the implementation of the ‘Lands of Opportunity in the Sahel’ (LOGMe) project in the Centre-South and Centre-East regions, he It has been noted that they struggle to be more efficient due to the absence of management tools.

‘Providing these tools, for us, was an element that was missing in the system and we believe that these gaps must be filled by allowing the various managers of cooperative societies to know how to master their role within these cooperatives to further motivate their members to be active and allow the company to generate income,’ argued Jacques Somda.

He also noted that the tools and in-depth knowledge with which the participants will be equipped should also ensure the continuity of operation and profitability of the achievements of the LOGMe project.

On this subject, the IUCN program manager in Burkina Faso specified that the LOGMe project carried out various activities in pu
rsuit of its overall objective which is ‘to make a significant and lasting contribution to the restoration of landscapes in the Sahel. while creating income-generating activities for local communities.’

As part of these investments, he cited, among others, the creation of agrosylvopastoral infrastructure such as market gardens and product processing units, support in honey and shea butter production equipment and technical assistance. through the training of actors.

For her part, the representative of the Gnoanitoua-miel beekeeping cooperative of Tiébélé, Martine Koutiangba, maintained that the training is timely.

‘Sometimes in our cooperatives we work as best we can and as we want. And I believe that this training will allow us to strengthen our capacities and be able to manage them better,’ she maintained.

Listening to it, it is also an opportunity for the participants to share the knowledge acquired with the members of their structures, once back in their localities, for greater efficiency and also to
‘ensure a good succession and a tomorrow best “.

In the Center-East and Center-South regions, a total of seven municipalities benefit from the achievements of the LOGMe project in Burkina Faso which is implemented thanks to the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Security energy via the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. These are the communes of Bittou, Zabré and Zoaga for the Center-East region and Gogo, Gon-Boussougou, Tiébélé and Ziou for the Center-South region. In addition to Burkina Faso, the LOMGe project is being implemented in Ghana and Niger.

Source: Burkina Information Agency