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Accident in PS: the new toll stands at 10 deaths and 16 serious injuries

Ouagadougou: The toll of the violent collision that occurred yesterday Saturday in PS, between two human transport vehicles, increased to 10 deaths, 16 seriously injured out of the 35 victims of the accident, we learned the AIB Sunday evening, from security and health sources.

The accident caused a total of 35 victims, including 10 deaths and 16 serious injuries, according to a report established this Sunday. In addition to the six people who died on site, 3 injured people died after their evacuation to the PS public infirmary and the Boromo medical center. Another injured person died this morning, according to health sources.

A transport company bus which had just left PS station, heading towards Bobo Dioulasso, collided with a minibus traveling in the opposite direction.

The government announced the opening of investigations to understand what happened and determine who was responsible. He also challenged the promoters of passenger transport companies on their obligation to install speed limits on their
entire fleet as in accordance with the law in force.

In May 2016, an accident occurred on the same road and near the same area, causing 24 deaths and 36 injuries.

Source: Burkina Information Agency