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A ‘Golden Kuuri Prize’ will be awarded at the 7th International Agricultural and Livestock Show (SIAEL)

Ouagadougou: The ‘Kuuri d’Or’, an award intended for the best players in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector, will be awarded for the first time during the 7th International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and breeding (SIAEL), scheduled for February 20 to 27 in Ouagadougou.

Speaking this Friday, the organizers ‘established the Kuuri d’Or competition, a prestigious distinction intended to reward excellence within the value chains of the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector,’ declared the president of the organizing committee of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Environment and Livestock (SIAEL), Jean Victor Ouédraogo during the launch of the Exhibition.

According to him, the ‘Golden Kuuri’, put into play by the Association for the Development of the Rural World (ADMR), will not be limited to a simple award ceremony, because it also constitutes a privileged framework for celebrating the best actors and partners working in the sectors of agriculture and the livestock environment.

Listening to it, the offi
cial ‘Golden Kuuri’, ‘Silver Kuri’ and ‘Bronze Kuri’ awards will reward the actors, producers and processors, of agriculture, breeding and the environment individually or collectively.

Jean Victor Ouédraogo was this morning in Ouagadougou, in front of journalists to launch the activities of the 7th edition of SIAEL scheduled for February 20 to 27, 2024, in the commune of Komsilga, on the outskirts of Ouagadougou, under the theme ‘Impact of the crisis security in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector: Current situation and perspectives’.

In his opinion, the show aims to be a real market, a biannual meeting of giving and receiving for the benefit of actors in the value chain of the Agro-sylvo-pastoral sectors.

‘The objectives of this edition are clear and ambitious. Through this activity, we want to promote excellence in the production and valorization of agro-sylvo-pastoral products in Burkina Faso,’ he said.

The president of the SIAEL 2024 organizing committee noted that the show will bring together producers, p
rocessors and traders from the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector from the 13 regions of Burkina Faso and neighboring countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Niger and Mali.

He noted that the last edition of the Show which was held from November 23 to 27, 2021 welcomed 234 stands, recorded more than 7,000 visitors in one week with a turnover exceeding 100 million FCFA.

This 7th edition of SIAEL is placed under the very high patronage of the Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, the sponsorship of the Minister in charge of Agriculture and the co-sponsorship of the Minister in charge of the Environment.

Source: Burkina Information Agency