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73rd meeting of ASECNA ministers: participants provide an update to the Head of State

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received in audience this Friday, a delegation of ministers in charge of air transport from the member states of the Agency for Safety and Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) present in Burkina Faso as part of the 73rd session of the ASECNA committee of ministers.

The delegation, according to its spokesperson, the Minister of Transport, Civil Aviation and the Congolese Navy, Honoré SAYI, came to speak to the Head of State about ‘the health of our association and to present to him the hopes and the ambitions we have to see this association move forward.’

She also gave the Head of State an update on the 73rd meeting of the ASECNA committee of ministers which will see the passing of the torch to Burkina Faso to ensure the Presidency of the said committee for one year.

‘We also told Captain Ibrahim TRAORE that the charge given to our colleague and brother Minister of Transport, Roland SOMDA is not simply his own charge. This is the respon
sibility of all the people of Burkina Faso, but also of the President of Faso,’ indicated the Congolese minister responsible for transport.

He said he was satisfied to note that contrary to what is said about Burkina Faso, the country of honest men is very easy to visit. ‘We were almost everywhere in the city, without being worried,’ he maintained.

As a reminder, ASECNA was created on December 12, 1959 and brings together 19 member states.

Communications Directorate of the Presidency of Faso

Source: Burkina Information Agency