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Showing posts of Day: June 18, 2024

Banwa: 365 candidates to conquer the baccalaureate session 2024

The president of the special delegation (PDS) of Tansila, Joseph Ouédraogo, representing the High Commissioner of the Banwa province, opened the envelope for the Baccalaureate session 2024, this Tuesday, June 18 morning in the presence of the FDS, sup…

Bam: 1036 baccalaureate candidates including 561 girls

The prefect President of the special delegation (PDS) of Kongoussi Abel Dayamba officially launched the baccalaureate examination session of 2024 at the Amitié private high school of Kongoussi on June 18 with a predominance of female candidates.

The …

Kénédougou/BEPC: The provincial success rate is 42.88?

The province of Kénédougou obtained a success rate of 42.88% in the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) exam, 2024 session.

Out of 4,811 registered candidates, a total of 4,743 candidates sat for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) exam, 2024

Kossi: 834 candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate

The high commissioner of the Kossi province, Noufo Dembelé, opened the first envelope of the written baccalaureate tests, this Tuesday, June 18, 2024 in Nouna, in the presence of the administrative authorities, military, paramilitary and educational s…

Baccalaureate: 799 candidates in the running in the Sahel

The baccalaureate examination session 2024 began this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the Sahel region with 799 candidates from series A, C, D and professional, distributed in 4 examination centers in Dori, Djibo and Gorom-Gorom .

According to the regiona…

Music: Floby launches its 7th album on June 30

Ouagadougou: Burkinabè musician Floby announced Tuesday that his 7th record album, entitled ‘Burkina Faso’, will be officially launched on June 30, 2024.

Florent Belemgnegré, alias Floby, indicated on his Facebook page that ‘Burkina Faso’, his 7th mu…

Balé: 2134 candidates seeking the Baccalaureate diploma

The prefect president of the special delegation of Boromo, Esaie Bamogo, opened the first envelope of the written tests of the Baccalaureate session 2024 to jury 7 and 8 at the provincial high school of Boromo, in the company of