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Showing posts of Day: October 14, 2023

Minister of Finance meets his Qatari counterpart in Morocco

The Minister of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia, HE Bihi Iman Egeh met with his Qatari counterpart, H.E Ali bin Ahmad in Morocco on the sidelines of the annual meetings.The two Ministers had a fruitful meeting and shared

SoDMA Commissioner, UNSOM envoy arrive in Beledweyn

The Commissioner of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA), Mohamud Moalim Abdulle together with the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia…

Soum: terrorists killed during a meeting in Béléhédé

Ouagadougou , Several terrorists were killed on Saturday in Béléhédé (Soum) during a meeting, in army strikes, AIB learned from security sources.This Saturday, October 14, 2023, several pairs of terrorists, on motorcycles, headed towards Béléhédé, in …

Bogandé: Death of former mayor Max Adolphe Lankoandé

Bogandé, The former mayor of the urban commune of Bogandé, Max Adolphe Lankoandé died this Friday in Ouagadougou, AIB learned.Development Advisor in NGOs and development projects, Max Adolphe Lankoandé presided over the destiny of the Urban Commune of…